If you are repairing a truck cab, these are the tools you need. They install up to 1/4" Magna-Grip® lock bolts and use the same 3/4" diameter noses as the Huck® 202, 210, 212, 244, 2025, 229, 230 and Gage Bilt 722, 730, 731 tools.

$ 525
RATDCHK08 Lock Bolt Gun

$ 1,125
RATDCHK08 Standard Truck Cab Kit

$ 1,325
RATDCHK08 Complete Truck Cab Kit

$ 749
RAT2318 Lockbolt Tool

$ 1,349
RAT2318 Standard Truck Cab Kit

$ 1,549
RAT2318 Complete Truck Cab Kit

$ 795
RAT932 Lockbolt Tool

$ 1,395
RAT932 Standard Truck Cab Kit

$ 1,595
RAT932 Complete Truck Cab Kit